Chris and I are proud to FINALLY tell you all that we are expecting! We wanted to start this blog to give all of our family and friends updates on how thing are going. As many of you know, Chris and I have had a long journay to become parents. After trying for several months, we sought some help from the doctors over at the Reproductive Medicine Center. As it turns out, I had PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). After even more months of help from the doctors, they wanted to do one more final test in July before we went ahead with IVF. Well, needless to say, the results of that test did not come back like we were hoping for. We had yet another setback when they told us that I had pre-canerous endometrial cells. They referred me to a gynocological oncologist were I went through 4 months of treatment to make sure that all the cancer cells were gone! In late October, I had another endometrial biopsy preformed and it came back ALL CLEAR!!! The oncology doctor then gave us the go ahead to go back to the reproductive doctors over at RMC. This is a VERY short and condensed story of what we went through.
In November we were able to start the process of IVF treatments. After many doctor appointments, we were told that they had 2 embryos to transplant. It was so amazing to be able to see our "babies" when they were only 8 cells big! After that we had even more weeks of waiting until we could find out for sure if we were pregnant or not. They advised us not to take any home pregnancy tests due to the risk of getting a false positive, but we could not wait and decided to take one on December 27, which came back positive!
We were really really excited...
The next day we had our "offical" appointment for blood work to find out if we were pregnant. That test came back positive too. We had another appointment for more blood work two days later and that come back positive also. We were most definitely pregnant!!
The next step was to have a confirmation ultrasound at 7 weeks. At this point, Chris and I did not know if there was going to be one or two babies. Well, after a few seconds, our doctor told us that there were TWO babies!! Twin A was measuring at 8 weeks and had a heartrate of 162 beats per minute and Twin B was measuring at 7 weeks, 6 days with a heartrate of 152 beats per minute.
Twin A is on the right and Twin B is on the left.
Both twins are on the same picture.
Chris and I felt both extremely blessed and excited for this wonderful news! We had been on a rollercoster of emotions for the last 2+ years and we just couldn't ask for a better outcome!!!