
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, November 18, 2012

15 month stats

Ari and Chase went to the doctor on Friday for their 15 month check-up. All went well, but they each had to get 2 shots each :( The doctor was very impressed with their walking and that they are starting to talk!

Ari continues to be our little peanut. She now weighs in at 19 pounds, 7 ounces (5th%) , she is 30.3 inches tall (40th%), and her head circumference is 18.0 inches (42nd%).

Chase now weighs 21 pounds, 10 ounces (11th%), he is 32.0 inches tall (73rd%), and his head circumference is 19.3 inches (91st%).

Watching the Vikings Game!

They both LOVE Mickey and Minnie!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

October Fun!

Here is what we have been up to in October...

Chase and Ari got new car seats! They are still rear facing since Ari is not yet 20 pounds. I figured I couldn't turn Chase around and leave Ari facing backwards!

Cousin Kelly and Bryce's Wedding. Both babies were so good and got to stay up past their bedtime!

 Ari's favorite person! She is such a Grandma's girl!

My parents brought over my old slide that my dad made for my 1st birthday. Chase and Ari absolutely LOVE it! Our basement living room is slowly turning into a playroom as we make room for their toys.

Chase reading his books. Does it matter that the book is upside down?
Ari and her animals. She LOVES stuffed animals! 
Ari and Chase continue to be very busy babies :) Their new tricks include climbing up onto the couch all by themselves! They are so proud of themselves and get the biggest smile when they are successful! They also figured out how to climb down the stairs on their bellies too, which makes me happier knowing that they can get down safely and also can get off the couch too.
Chase and Ari are busy talking! They both have a few words each. Chase knows how to say "boon" for balloon, "boo" for ghosts (or anything related to Halloween), "May-May" for Maggie and "hi". Ari says "hi", "Ah-Da" for all done, and "Da-Da" for her daddy. They are both using more sign language as well and will sign more, please, and milk.
Chase and Ari now both have 12 teeth each! And just the other day, I felt Chase's top canine teeth coming in!
Ari LOVES Mickey and Minnie Mouse! We have started letting them watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the morning, mainly to keep them occupied and happy while we get ready for work. Whenever Ari hears the opening song for the show, she runs over to the TV, gets the biggest smile on her face and starts dancing! Its the cutest thing. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Picking out our pumpkins at the pumpkin patch

Trick or Treating and lunch with Great Grandma and Maggie
 Halloween Night!
We went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and then went out to Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Our little Care Bears!